21 March 2025
We’ve included a few housekeeping reminders in this newsletter – as well as some dates for diaries and pointers towards some important new initiatives that are soon to be introduced across junior football.

Texting Results

How To Text Results To Full-Time

Both home and away teams are required to report their results after every fixture. To set yourself up as an SMS results contact on Full-Time click here for instructions.

For any postponed or cancelled matches text 'P-P' with your team code

For abandoned matches text 'A-A' with your team code and submit an MRC with an 'A' in both the score fields and enter ‘Match Abandoned' and the amount of the game that was played in the comments.

 Only send one match result per text.

Do not include any other message other than those shown below.

The system will not understand it as it is not going to the league or an individual.

Find out the format for texting results for League matches and Cup Matches with Added Extra Time (AET) & Penalties (PENS).

League Match (no AET or PENS)

  • All results are submitted by answering the automated text message sent from the FA Full-Time system.
  • During each match, the Full-Time system will send an SMS Text Message to the first and second team contacts of the home and away team. 
  • Both teams must reply to the text with the home team result - away team result and their team code.
  • Only send one match result per text.
FA Full-Time Text: HAL2 v HWF2 Sat 10 Oct 10:00 (where HAL2 and HWF2 are the team codes).
Reply with home and away score with the home team’s score first. 
E.g. if the result is HAL2 (2) vs. HWF2 (6):
  • If you are team, HAL2 you text: 2-6 HAL2
  • If you are team, HWF2 you text: 2-6 HWF2

Cup Match (including AET & PENS)

  • All results are submitted by answering the automated text message sent from the FA Full-Time system.
  • During each match, the Full-Time system will send an SMS Text Message to the first and second team contacts of the home and away team. 
  • Both teams must reply to the text with the home team result - away team result and their team code.
  • Only send one match result per text.
FA Full-Time Text: 2CYL v HWF2 Sat 2 Dec 10:00 (where HWF2 and 2CYL are the team codes).
Reply with home and away score with the home team’s score first and add the result after AET and PENS. 
E.g. if the result was 2CYL (2) vs. HWF2 (2), then 2CYL (3) vs. HWF2 (3) in AET and 2CYL (3) vs. HWF2 (1)  in PENS
  • If you are team, 2CYL you text: 2-2 2CYL 3-3 AET 3-1 PENS
  • If you are team, HWF2 you text: 2-2 HWF2 3-3 AET 3-1 PENS
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