If you have any issues with the Online MRC or cannot access it please email Malcolm Upward.
Scroll down to view all outstanding MRC's (note the last update date). Click on the tabs to view by club and age group. Click the links below to add a calendar reminder to check outstanding MRC's to your google calendar or download and ICS file (which can be added to any calendar).
Match Results Cards (MRCs) are required for all games and must be correctly received by the league within five days of the game being played. This is done using an online form which can be found on the homepage and throughout this website.
MRCs are not required for postponed or cancelled games but are required for matches abandoned by the referee after the game has started. An SMS text reply is always required.
The main purpose of the MRC is to confirm the score but more importantly to collect referee marks for the County FAs and also to collect team fairplay marks and other questions regarding adherence to league rules and the FA Respect campaign.
Things to note/check when completing MRCs:
Once you have completed your MRC, a confirmation e-mail will be automatically from nehylforms@gmail.com sent to the e-mail address that you entered when completing the form. If you have not received this e-mail, after checking your spam/junk folder, please e-mail rules@nehyl.org.uk to check if your MRC was received.
The league also displays a list of all outstanding MRCs on this page. This is updated frequently and the date & time of the last updated listed on the front page. We advise all clubs to review this list on a regular basis to ensure that all MRCs are completed before the deadline.
Top tip: Club secretaries and/or team admins should set a calendar reminder every Wednesday to check if their club is listed on the outstanding MRCs list so they can follow up to avoid fines.
© North East Hampshire Youth League
Website by PMGID