21 March 2025
We’ve included a few housekeeping reminders in this newsletter – as well as some dates for diaries and pointers towards some important new initiatives that are soon to be introduced across junior football.



NEHYL supports referees and requires all member clubs ensure Respect guidelines are being maintained throughout the season. Remember some of these referees are children themselves and safeguarding is a priority.

Under 7 to Under 17/18 are on Saturdays and Girls on Sundays. Older age group matches on Saturday maybe played past midday (these late KO’s are confirmed the week before the fixture, so if you find you cannot fulfil your allocation due to a late KO, let the NEHYL Referee Secretary know).

Referee Fees (2024/25)

Fees are inclusive of travel expenses

Age Group Referee Assistant / Reserve Ref
Youth (U17/U18) £45 £40
U15/16 £40 £35
U13/14 £35 £30
U11/12 £30 £25
U9/10 £25 £20
U7/8 £20 £15

Information for Referees

If you would like to register as a referee for NEHYL fixtures, complete the steps below in the order shown. 

If you have any questions, please email the NEHYL Referee Secretary. To submit a report for a fixture click here.

01 Register with your County FA

Every referee irrespective of which league or club they referee for, must register with their County FA and have a FAN Number and referee registration number. For Season 2024/25 this starts with a IR prefix (renewed every year). You can find this number when you log in to the FA system after you have registered.

Register with your County FA
02 Register/Renew with NEHYL

Register on the NEHYL contacts system . You will go through an approval step if you are new to NEHYL. For referees 16 and under a secondary email field is provided to specify parents email address for Safeguarding purposes. This system displays your details on a secure directory viewed by all managers and vice versa incase you need to follow up with them.

NEHYL Contacts System

NEHYL Referee Application

After you have registered with the FA as mentioned above you can apply to be a referee for NEHYL and register, renew and maintain your information on the NEHYL contacts system

If you are new to NEHYL - you will go through an approval step where the NEHYL Referee Secretary will review the information.

NEHYL Contacts System

Caution & Misconduct Reports

Referees are required to either complete the relevant form and submit them to the Club's County FA or use Whole Game System Referee Administration System. Check the relevant County FA website for more information.
The attention of referees is drawn to League Rules 10, 13, 23, Cup 3, 4 & 5 and Ash Challenge Trophy 3, 4 & 5 which request action or are of interest. The FA have directed that all off the field incidents which may bring the game into disrepute should be reported by whoever witnesses them to the Competition Authority (the County FA or the League depending on the fixture involved). 

Hampshire Clubs

The Secretary 
Winklebury Football Complex
Winklebury Way
Basingstoke, Hants
 RG23 8BF

Surrey Clubs

The Secretary
Unit 2E, St Martin’s House 
St Martin’s Walk 
Dorking, Surrey 

Berks & Bucks Clubs

The Secretary
15a London Street 


Second Thursday of each month commencing August at 7.30 pm
Third Thursday of each month commencing August at 7.00 pm
First Thursday of the month in September November January at 7.30 pm
Second Thursday of each month commencing September at 7.30 pm
First Monday of each month commencing September at 7.30 pm
Third Thursday of each month commencing August
First Monday of each month commencing September at 8.00 pm 
(2nd Monday in case of a clash with Bank Holidays)

Information for Managers

Referee Fees

Referee fees can be found in the NEHYL Rules and NEHYL Rules Match Summary on the Information page.

Referee Allocations

Referee allocations for fixtures can be found here.

Contact the allocated referee before Wednesday and ask for the referee to confirm their appointment. 

Inform the NEHYL Referee Secretary and referee of cancelled matches ASAP.  If a match is cancelled after the referee has travelled to the venue, they are entitled to 50% of the fee.

The best way to communicate with the NEHYL Referee Secretary is by phone on 07921 781746.

Regular Venue Updates

If your teams play at different venues on a regular basis, your Fixture / Club Secretary should inform the Referee Secretary using the Fixture Venue Update Form at least 10 days before the fixture so that referees can be correctly allocated to matches at the same venue (otherwise the default venue for the whole Club is assumed).

Contacting Referees

Referee contact details are stored on the secure contacts systemThey must not be shared and used for the NEHYL fixture allocated only. Note some of the referees are minors and you must only communicate with them via a parent/guardian email/phone number and not on social media.

No Allocated Referee

If you have no allocated referee by Thursday it is unlikely the League will provide one, the Home should endeavour to provide one in the first place, after that it will need to be a parent or coach that will act as a Referee.

Contacting NEHYL

The best way to communicate with the NEHYL Referee Secretary is by phone on 07921 781746. If sending updates regarding venues please use the Fixture Venue Update Form .

Call Referee Secretary

Fixture Venue Update Form

Use the form below to inform the NEHYL Referee Secretary of regular venue updates for teams registered with NEHYL at least 10 days in advance to help the accuracy of referee allocations (i.e. to double up at the same venue). There is no need to use this form if your default venues stays the same throughout the season.

Fixture Venue Updates

You can use this template  to send us your updates or your own format as long as the same information is included. 

Ensure only one person per Club submits this information.

I agree to these details being used to contact me for league business.

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