21 March 2025
We’ve included a few housekeeping reminders in this newsletter – as well as some dates for diaries and pointers towards some important new initiatives that are soon to be introduced across junior football.


Fixtures & Results

Fixtures and results are on the FA's Full-Time system. Select your relevant age group and division on Full-Time. Contact NEHYL FT support on 07921 781746 if you have queries.


Opposition Contacts

All team and club contacts within our member clubs are registered on our secure membership system. Once registered, you will be able to log in and view all team contacts within the same age group to arrange matches. 
View Team Contacts

Referee Allocations

We try to allocate referees to all matches and the Referee Secretary will send the allocations directly to the team contacts. More information on the referee process and how to register as a referee can be found on the referees page.
Referee Process

Fixture Notifications from Full Time

The primary contact of a team receives the fixture notification. Team officials of a team should agree the primary contact. 

The designated person must have a suitable team role in Full Time and can then change the listed contact on the FA Full Time e-mails. To do this, the primary contact needs to log into Full Time, and then select 'People, Primary Contacts'. In this screen, you put a tick against the correct person's name and then save.  See screenshots below for guidance and the FA's support website here.

NEHYL is a Charter Standard League & supports the Respect programme

Our priority is to ensure all youth players can play football in a safe and supportive environment. Member clubs are requested to abide by league rules, implement the Respect guidelines and raise any concerns to their club's welfare officer.
Read The FA's Youth Respect Guide
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