4 February 2025
The FA have changed the way Clubs add DBS to individuals

Taking Images

Taking Images & Videos During Matches

Updates to the Match Day Process & Team Sheet

During the pre-season meeting in August 2023, we highlighted changes to the Match Day Team Sheet that includes a new section around consent for the taking of images at matches. Firstly, we urge all clubs to ensure that teams are now using the latest Match Day Team Sheet which is available on the Information page of this website. We have been asked to clarify our position in relation to the taking of images – and how we expect teams to notify the opposition when they highlight that they do not have consent from all parents/guardians for images to be taken.

The Match Day Team Sheet has a box that states “I confirm I have consent for all players listed for images/video to be taken at the match. YES/NO If NO inform your opposition as soon as practical – on matchday both Respect Stewards should help to ensure images are not taken.”

Where a team has stated – or will be stating - NO then:

  • They do not have to give any reason as to why this is the case – and neither should they be asked.
  • The team manager must inform the opposition manager as soon as practical and at least 24 hours before the match to avoid any misunderstanding on the day. If the Home team, then this will should be part of the match details provided to the opposition (and must be clear and obvious); if the away team, then this should be made clear when responding back to confirming receipt of the match details.
  • Under no circumstances should anyone associated with either team take any images during the match – this is irrespective as to whether the pitch is on a public space or private land.
  • Should any team (and this includes supporters) refuse and/or fail to abide by a timely request for No images then the team saying No can choose not to play, or not to continue to play, the match. In such situations the league may decide that the team who have insisted on taking images forfeit the game.


Many of our young referees have also not consented to images being taken – should any team wish to take images, and in particular video the match including if it is for their own training purposes, then they MUST seek the permission of the referee as part of any message providing the match details. 

The League fully supports teams taking images where consent has been given prior to a match, with images then being used, shared, and stored in accordance with the latest FA Social Media Guidance; a team intending to record a match must agree all elements of this in advance of match day with the opposition. Likewise, we are adamant that No means No where consent has not been given.

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