Member clubs can request an advert to be published on this page if they have availability in their NEHYL registered team.
Parents/guardians can view clubs with availability and also use the map to search for local NEHYL registered clubs.
Simply complete the form below - your submission will be checked to ensure you are an NEHYL registered team and you will be informed when it is published (usually 1-3 working days). Please submit one form per age group.
Adverts will remain for approximately a month unless you request for it to be extended.
Thank you for your request.
We will confirm when it has been approved and published (usually 1-3 working days). Ads will remain for approximately one month unless a request is made to extend it.
This table shows a list of clubs registered with NEHYL for Season 2023/24.
For specific match venues contact the individual club for details. Opposition contact information can be found on the secure online system.
If your information is incorrect or you are a member club and not shown, contact the website administrator to be added.
© North East Hampshire Youth League
Website by PMGID