4 February 2025
The FA have changed the way Clubs add DBS to individuals

Enter Club & Team Contacts

Enter Your Club & Team Contacts

01 Enter Your Contact Details
After your club has registered for the season, all club and team contacts (managers, assistants, QFAs, administrators and committee members) are required to register or renew their previous seasons information on the member system
Find out more about how your data is collected and used in our Privacy Policy.
02 Provide Consent

All individuals are requested to consent to sharing their personal contact information with member clubs by logging in. If this option is not ticked your information will not be shared (for example if you are a team manager but have an administrator as the main contact). After you submit your request you must copy in your Club Secretary & web@nehyl.org.uk to confirm your role for approval.

03 Maintain & Renew

Once approved, you will receive a confirmation email from the membership system. Sign in to view contacts you have access to (depending on your role). Keep your contact, role and team information (if relevant) up to date. 

When renewing, check your contact details as well as any team specific information such as the age group relating to the following season.

04 Club Secretary Role
Club Secretaries are requested to ensure all team contacts and committee members within their club have registered their individual contact details. Once you have registered as a Club Secretary you will be able to view your club & team contacts to check if your club contacts have registered and ticked the consent option. If any committee members change please also inform the administrator.

Roles Within The Member System

Team Managers & Assistants
Before entering your details, make sure you have all the information required before completing the form (i.e. first aid & FA qualifications, DBS expiry and Safeguarding expiry). 
After you register on the member system, you will be able to log into your dashboard and view all team contacts from NEHYL member clubs within the same age group to arrange matches (if you have consented to sharing your personal information with member clubs). 
QFA Only Roles
If you only have a QFA role, select this option in the membership type and your record will only be shared with NEHYL Officials.
Team Administrators
If you are a team administrator simply enter the age group(s) your role relates to and the team information. You will then be able to log into your dashboard and view all team contacts within the same age group.
Club Committee Contacts
Upon registration, ensure you tick the indicator to state you are a committee member and specify your role. You will then be able to log into your dashboard and view your club contacts and all other member club committee contacts. 
Club Child Welfare Officers
In the interests of safeguarding children, the league will always share CWO contact details with other member club CWO contacts to follow up on safeguarding concerns.
Club Committee Member With Team Roles
If you are a club committee member and also a team contact (e.g. manager or admin) you can specify your age groups and team details in the same record and will also see other member club team contacts in your directory (if you consent to sharing your personal information). 
If you prefer to keep a separate email for the committee role (e.g. welfare officer) you can enter additional records for each email and role, however this will result in having to log in and maintain two different records.
NEHYL Registered Referees
Referees registered with NEHYL using this form, are also required to enter their contact details in the member system to view club contacts and vice versa.

Member System FAQs 

If you can't find the answer to your question in the FAQs below, to remove yourself from the system or for Club Secretaries to enquire about who has registered within their club, please email the membership administrator

The member system guide is also a useful reference.
Member System Guide
NEHYL Member System
When do I register my contact information?
After your club has registered for the season, all club and team contacts (managers, assistants, QFAs, administrators and committee members) are required to register on the secure member system and keep their contact details up to date. 
Before entering your details, make sure you have your FAN number. 
If you are a team manager but not a contact (e.g. you have an administrator), you must still enter your information but do not consent to sharing your personal information.
Register Club & Team Contacts
I am already on the system how do I renew for next season?
Contacts renewing from the previous season will receive an automated renewal email and can simply sign in, check and update the information for the coming season (e.g. age groups, team names and qualifications) and renew. Any contacts who fail to renew will not appear in the following seasons directories.
Sign In To Renew
What is the consent for and how are my details protected?
To satisfy data regulations, all individuals are required to consent to sharing their personal contact information with member clubs by logging in. If this option is not ticked your information will not be shared (for example if you are a team manager but have an administrator as the main contact). Contact information must be used for NEHYL business only and not be shared or used for any other purpose (such as marketing or tournament distribution purposes).
Note: League Officials and Club Secretaries are able to view ALL member club and team contacts who have consented to sharing their data. 
Privacy Policy
How do I view contacts in other member clubs?
To view contacts, sign in (or use the link in your confirmation email), select 'Member Directory' on your dashboard and the 'view as table' link on the top right. The search bar allows you to narrow the list down to certain records such as those in a specific club and team name. Only individuals who consent to sharing their data will appear in shared member directories. If you are a team manager you will only see contacts from opposition clubs within the same age group.
View Club & Team Contacts
What do I need to do as Club Secretary?
Club Secretaries are required to ensure all team contacts and committee members within their club (including themselves) have registered their individual contact details. 
Upon registration, ensure you tick the checkbox to state you are a committee member and specify your role as Club Secretary. You will then be able to log into your dashboard, view your directory and check who has registered and provided consent. If they do not appear on the directory it may be that they have not registered or not provided consent. In this case, you should follow up with the contact directly to ensure the information has been recorded accurately and then contact us to check if they are in the system.
Other Member System Roles
What do I do if a club or team contact is changing to someone else?
If you have a contact who is no longer in that role for your Club (for example changing your CWO or team administrator), contact us to request removal of the registered contact and let us know the name of the new contact. Then ask the new contact to register as a new contact (this will go through an approval step).
If a committee member is changing please also email us to let us know so that we can update the NEHYL Finance System.
Contact Us

Viewing Club / Team Contacts & Referees

Accessing Club & Team Contacts
Depending on your role, you will be able to view a directory with relevant contacts:
  • If you have a team specific role, your contact information is shared with all other member club team contacts within the same age group to arrange matches. 
  • All club secretaries can view their club contacts to enable them to monitor if they have registered and are maintaining their information.
  • All club committee members can view their club contacts and all other member club committee contact details.
  • Membership types of QFA only roles are not shared.
  • All league officials have access to all contacts to manage league business.
  • All NEHYL registered referees can view all member clubs to follow up on fixtures, if required.
  • All members can view all NEHYL registered referees to contact referees allocated to fixtures by the NEHYL Referee Secretary.
  • In the interests of safeguarding children, the league will always share CWO contact details with other member club CWO contacts to follow up on safeguarding concerns.
Sign in to the member system and then select 'Member Directory' on your dashboard and the 'view as table' link on the top right. Use the search to find specific clubs and teams and committee roles (e.g. Welfare).
View Club & Team Directory
No Login or Forgotten Your Details?
All team contacts and Club Committee members are required to register on the member system and ensure contact details are kept up to date by the individual. 

Find out more about how to register or use the link below to go to the member system. 
If you have already registered and can't remember your login details, sign in using option 'without a password' to get a link sent to your email.

If you are still having any problems, contact us so we can ensure you are registered and resend you the confirmation email.
Register Your Contact Information
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