Player registrations are submitted on the FA's Club Portal. Your club must be affiliated with your County's FA before registering players.
01 Transfer Form
A club wishing to transfer a player must complete the player transfer form and send it to the players current club to sign and give consent. The signed form is returned to the club requesting the transfer.
Scanning and emailing the form is acceptable. Telephoning the losing club first followed by an email trail will be accepted by the Divisional Secretary.
02 Submit to League
The club requesting the transfer sends the completed form to the NEHYL Divisional Secretary and then follows the Club Portal transfer process. Contact information for Div Secs can be found on the contact page.
03 League Approval
The Divisional Secretary checks the players details and FAN on The Club Portal and will give the club requesting the transfer the authorisation to add the player to their club player list on Club Portal with their FAN. This issues the correct transfer on Club Portal from current club to the new club under their FAN.
© North East Hampshire Youth League
Website by PMGID