Yes, as we are an Accredited League all member clubs must be Accredited or have obtained it within 12 months of registering with NEHYL.
Use the online registration form to register. Note you will need to upload a signed Rule 10 (previously Rule 7) agreement when you register.
There is no upper limit on the number of players that can be registered in a squad. This is largely because players in development age groups are allowed to be registered for all teams that a club has in that age group and can play for any of these teams each week (with the Festival events as the exception). Check NEHYL rules for maximum players and substitutes at matches.
All players are registered on The FA's Club Portal. Read the full information on the link below which details how to register and mandatory requirements for NEHYL.
Read the FA's online guide.
All Club & Team contacts must register on the NEHYL Contacts System.
After the season starts, new teams must be affiliated with your County FA and registered on Whole Game System before registering with NEHYL. Click the link below for further detailed steps.
When you first register a team on WGS it feeds to FullTime as your default venue, however any future amends on WGS do not update on FullTime so you will need to email your Divisional Secretary to let them know so that the default venue can be updated in FullTime. Once this is updated on FullTime only new fixtures created will have the amended venue, so any existing fixtures will need to be manually updated by the Team Manager in FullTime.
If the league have already approved the player, you will need to contact your Divisional Secretary to ask them to reject them. Then you can detach them from your team. Note during the active season you will need to transfer your player or dual register them.
If you are interested in registering girls teams, please contact
The FA Dispensation Policy and process is laid out in the link below.
All up to date fees and fines are in the latest rules. See download links for this season's NEHYL rules.
You can find a list in the NEHYL Rules Match Summary on the Information page.
Referees are able to send players to the Sin Bin for dissent from Season 2019/20.
Under 7 through to Under 17/18 play on Saturdays
Girls play on Sundays
Kick off times should be between 9.30am & 1.00pm for Saturday matches and between 12.00pm & 2.30pm for Sunday.
Kick off times must be agreed with the away team in advance and not in the week of the game. Also, consider the distance that your opposition need to travel when allocating early or late kick off times.
The home team manager/club secretary must contact the opposing team manager and allocated referee at least FIVE DAYS before the game with: kick off time, location, access to the ground and your team colours. This is not deemed to have been done until confirmation has been received.
Yes, all matches require a team sheet with named QFA completed and exchanged and retained for future reference. The template can be found in the downloads section above. An approved player squad list downloaded weekly is also required from The FA's Club Portal.
Each club shall provide for its team a clearly marked first aid kit containing the following basic items:
All specifications for pitches, ball and goals can be found in the NEHYL rules and rules summary. Click the link above in the Downloads section for the latest rules.
In recognition of the difficulties that clubs have, where multiple teams use the same pitches, the league has adopted a policy from this season where divisional secretaries will publish a minimum of one month’s fixtures in advance.
These fixtures will be listed on The FA's Full Time website.
Click the link below to login to FullTime where you will then be able to select the relevant team from the dropdown and click 'Fixture Wizard'.
The NEHYL Referee Secretary aims to allocate referees to as many fixtures as possible. Further information can be found by clicking the link below.
Yes, the NEHYL Referee Secretary will need to know to allocate referees to the correct venue. Otherwise, the clubs default location is assumed. Use the Fixture Venue Update Form to send this information to the Referee Secretary.
Divisional Secretaries must be informed of any known future postponements due to lack of players (e.g. school activities) at least 2 weeks in advance of the fixture. Read the full policy.
Team officials can now update their own records in FullTime to ensure they receive a text to report results.
MRCs are required for all games that are arranged by the NEHYL and need to be received within five days of the game being played. You may not get a confirmation email if you entered your email address incorrectly. Find out more about MRCs below.
If you have any issues with the Online MRC or cannot access it 48 hours after your fixture, please email NEHYL to inform them you are having issues.
Reply to the Full Time SMS with ‘A-A’ and not the score when the match was abandoned. An MRC will also be required. As with the SMS, please put A in both the score fields and also enter ‘Match Abandoned” and the amount of the game that was played in the additional comments box.
All dates can be found on the Information section under 'Deadlines & Meetings'
Festival Competitions are held for the Under 8 to Under 11 age groups. This season we have two different Festival formats – Festival Cup Competition and Festival Divisional Competition – that were agreed at the League AGM. Click the link to understand the key differences between the two formats.
The primary contact of a team receives the fixture notification. Team officials of a team should agree the primary contact.
The designated person must have a suitable team role in Full Time and can then change the listed contact on the FA Full Time e-mails. To do this, the primary contact needs to log into Full Time, and then select 'People, Primary Contacts'. In this screen, you put a tick against the correct person's name and then save.
The Club Secretary of all member clubs must ensure all Committee members, QFAs and team contacts are registered on the NEHYL contacts system. After you have registered and been approved, you will be able to view a directory with contacts relevant to you (including referees so you can contact the referee that has been allocated to your fixture).
The home team manager/club secretary must contact the opposing team manager and allocated referee at least FIVE DAYS before the game with: kick off time, location, access to the ground and your team colours. This is not deemed to have been done until confirmation has been received.
Referees registered with NEHYL are on the NEHYL Contacts System so that details can be shared securely with clubs and vice versa.
To enable clubs to opt-in to being contacted for tournament communications, we have created a dedicated email group. For more information on how to use this email, log in to the contact system and view the Member's Page through your dashboard.
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