21 March 2025
We’ve included a few housekeeping reminders in this newsletter – as well as some dates for diaries and pointers towards some important new initiatives that are soon to be introduced across junior football.


Downloads, Links, Courses & FAQs

Useful information and FAQs for Clubs, Managers, Parents and NEHYL League Officials

Administration & Rules

Respect Guides, Safeguarding & Policies

As a Respect League, the NEHYL is 100% committed to the FA Respect programme and as such expects the same
commitment from its member clubs. Ensure you are familiar with codes of conduct and guides below and the NEHYL Match Day Respect Checklist.

Links to County FA's, Cups & Courses

Courses are run on set dates, but it is worth contacting your CFA if you have more than 10-12 attendees requiring a specific course.
We list some external courses here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before contacting the league you may find your answer quicker below. 
If you still can't find what you are looking for, contact the age group divisional secretary or complete the general enquiry form.


List of services


List of services


List of services

Adult Football

The NEHYL actively supports the progression of football from Under 7 through to Adult football. As a youth league NEHYL caters for Under 7 through to Under 18 and aims to assist all players in making the transition from youth to adult football - appropriate to their ability.

Whilst current FA regulations do allow Under 17's to participate in adult football, some players will undoubtedly benefit from continuing to play the game within their own age group until they reach the age of 18, whereas others will find the step into adult football easier and will find that they can develop and adapt quite quickly.

The list of adult clubs shown below is provided to give current older age group players a choice and range of information about which Clubs exist in the NEHYL area. NEHYL is not making recommendations or suggestions as to which Club any player should or can go.
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