21 March 2025
We’ve included a few housekeeping reminders in this newsletter – as well as some dates for diaries and pointers towards some important new initiatives that are soon to be introduced across junior football.

Match Rules Summary

Match Rules Summary

See below for general and age group specific rules at a glance to ensure essential match rules are followed.

General Rules / Notes

  • There will be 2 Respect Stewards at all games, they are responsible for of their team and supporters behaviour. They should liaise with the opposition RS. They have a Safeguarding responsibility for the Referee. Issue must be reported to their CWO.
  • All under 7s matches are Development Matches. 
  • Most under 8s, 9s and 10s matches are also Development Matches: There are a number of Festival Games throughout the season, these will be Competition. See League Rules.
  • Development Matches have no league tables, or cups.
  • Under 11 duration can be 2 x 30 mins for competitive matches or 4 x 15 for development matches. Check with each manager before KO.
  • Rolling subs are now used in ALL youth football.
  • Passbacks: The basic law of football still applies: passbacks to the goalkeeper are NOT allowed at any age. However, the passback must be intentional to constitute an offence.
  • Throw-ins In Development Matches, players should attempt normal throws, the Thrower should not be changed.
  • In Development Matches, the throw should NEVER be awarded to the other team.
  • In Competitive under 9s and 10s matches, a player should be given a second chance. If the second throw is a foul throw, then the throw goes to the other team.
  • Retreat Line In all mini-soccer matches (under 7s to under 10s), when there is a goal kick the players from the opposing team must retreat to the half-way line until the kick has been taken.
  • Goal Kick At all ages, goal kicks must now be taken normally, i.e. kicked from the ground.
  • MRCs: Are required for all games and must be received by the League by the following Thursday.
  • TEAM SHEETS: Should be sent the the opposition, normally by email the day before, or a hard copy presented to opposition 15mins before KO
  • SQUAD LIST: Must be shown to the opposition at the ID Parade, observed by the Referee, you may use electronic or hard copy downloads from Club Portal or Matchday.

Age Group Specific Rules

Use the filter to select a specific age group and click the three dots to download/print.

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