4 February 2025
The FA have changed the way Clubs add DBS to individuals

Register Additional Teams

Registering Additional Teams During The Season

After the season starts, follow the steps below to ensure the team, players and team officials are correctly registered with your County FA, Club Portal and NEHYL.

01 Email NEHYL

Email NEHYL Divisional Secretary to ensure a new team can be accommodated in a division and can be accepted in that age group. Contact details for Div Secs can be found here.

02 Team Officials

Ensure the team manager has a valid DBS check, is setup with a FAN on the FA systems and has a mobile number assigned as this feeds through to the SMS Results service. Any administrators for the team should also be set up on the FA systems with a 'Team Secretary' role and also have a mobile number listed.

03 Team Affiliation

Affiliate the team with your County FA (CFA) by setting it up on the Club Portal.  Information on how to do this can be found here. Ensure you assign NEHYL as the league for the team.

Ensure all team officials have the relevant qualifications.

04 Notify NEHYL

After the setup on Club Portal is complete for the team, team officials and admins, email treasurer@nehyl.org.uk and the Divisional Secretary for the age group to inform them of the new team so that it can be activated on the Finance and Contacts System as well as being assigned to a division.

05 NEHYL Contacts System

All team contacts are required to register on the NEHYL contacts system to share their details with opposition contacts. The individual must have the relevant age group box ticked as well as the team details in the three 'Team 1' boxes (or the next available team boxes if they are already on the contact system as a team contact). Click here for detailed information on the contacts system.

06 Register Players

Register the players on Club Portal and submit them to the league for approval (ensuring a recent photo is uploaded and consent, proof of ID, country of birth, nationality and English Qualified fields are completed). Email the  Divisional Secretary  to notify them of the player submissions as the FA systems does not notify league officials of pending approvals.

07 Team Start Date

When the players have been approved let the Divisional Secretary know the date on which the team will be available to start playing. Find out more information on Match Administration, Fixtures & Results can be found on FullTime.

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