21 March 2025
We’ve included a few housekeeping reminders in this newsletter – as well as some dates for diaries and pointers towards some important new initiatives that are soon to be introduced across junior football.


Need more information?

Most of the information required for new or existing member clubs is on this website or within the League rules but if you still can't find what you are looking for please get in touch. 

You can also find lots of useful downloads, links and FAQs on the Information page.
Who should I contact?

For advice on club & players registrations, general enquiries or club administration, please use the enquiry form

For team specific communications contact your relevant NEHYL Divisional Secretary. 

To find team contact information for member clubs sign in to the membership system.

Safeguarding concerns

For all safeguarding concerns email our Welfare Officer or call on 01252 628345. For concerns regarding opposition players contact the Club CWO in the first instance.

In an emergency call the NSPCC 24-hour helpline on 0808 800 5000 (also refer to Childline Website or CEOP ) or the FA commissioned helpline on 0800 023 2642.  If a child or children are at immediate risk, call the police.

NEHYL Committee Season 2024/25

NEHYL Life Vice Presidents are Geoff Bedford and John Lee. NEHYL is divided into two - a Saturday and Sunday (Girls) League.

NEHYL Saturday League Divisional Secretaries & Club Reps

NEHYL Sunday League Divisional Secretaries & Club Reps

Enquiry Form

Before completing this form, please note the below...

  • If you are a new team official, please ensure you have spoken to your Club Secretary first if your enquiry relates to league processes and how to find opposition etc.
  • Also, refer to our resources, FAQs and Match Admin where you may find the answer to your question.
  • If the enquiry relates to a league fixture please contact the appropriate age group Divisional Secretary listed above.
  • For referee information click here.
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