Dear U15 and U16 football coaches, see below an excellent opportunity for your players to gain an FA referee qualification and begin earning good pocket money.
What: Ash United Youth FC FA Youth Referee course 09-10-11 April 24.
Where: Ash United Youth FC are delighted to offer out places on a FA Referee course they are hosting during the Easter half term school holidays. This course is being conducted with FA referee tutors over 09-10-11 Apr 23 at Ash United Football ground, Ash, GU12 6RB.
When: 09-10-11 Apr 24
How Much: cost of this course is £75 per learner, for this, students will receive an FA Ref qualification, referee strip, flags red/yellow cards whistle and notebook good to go for use on a youth football field.
Who can attend: 14–16-year-olds, Ash United Youth U15-16 s have a number of players already signed up, with spaces left we would like to offer them out to U15 U16 teams within NEHYL.
How to apply: email to express an interest for this course is to be sent to: spaces are limited and on a first come first basis.
What youth referees can earn once qualified: youth referees can earn between £18 and £35 for NEHYL games.
Ash United Youth Committee look forward to hearing from you soon.
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